Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Progress being made

I have been relieved to discover in the past few weeks that I'm enjoying researching my Hons project topic! That may sound strange, but I can sometimes get excited about the idea as a whole but get bored with the details of how to achieve it. Thankfully, it seems that won't be the case this year. Although it's only April. Still months to go...

The concept for my public awareness campaign will come together more clearly in the next month, after I have visited Christine in London and (hopefully) received Ethics approval.

In terms of the exegesis, my plan is to structure it in three parts: the theory/research on social marketing and how it works, an analysis of three different Australian public awareness campaigns and the impact that they've had on society, and an explanation of my process and the problems I had to overcome in order to make the campaign for AFR UK.

Ironically, AFR in Australia officially wound up on the weekend. I have been involved with the organisation for 7 years (since its inception) and I think we have achieved some amazing results (no more Pacific Solution, for example!) However, the organisation was starting to feel tired and less relevant than it had be when it started, so we agreed it was best to let it go. The website will remain ( because it offers a number of useful resources, but we will no longer take bookings and perform shows as a group. Sad, but also a relief in many ways.

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