Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Doubts about my thesis topic - already!

With the news this week about PM Kevin Rudd focusing on binge drinking, including a "scare" campaign to discourage young binge drinkers, I'm considering a thesis that investigates the effect and/or usefulness of government education campaigns, including those that set out to shock and frighten people.

When did they start? Do they work? Why/why not?

Working at the Australian Drug Foundation I'll have access to lots of great resources and people to explore a topic like this.

Then again, I've already been working on the other topic for about a year! Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Nicole McKenzie said...

It is not bad to have doubt about your thesis. It just shows that you are challenging yourself that would be a big thesis help in your writing. Anyway, what happened to your paper? I do hope everything went well.