Friday, March 14, 2008

Other options

I came up with yet another idea after talking to Adrian about my thesis/project. Adrian suggested that, since I am interested in public advocacy and social justice that I would be better off doing a project around a social justice campaign.

This lead to me thinking about Actors for Refugees, with which I have been involved for about 7 years. AFR has even crossed the ocean, to the UK, and is about to expand to become Actors for Human Rights, run by a friend of mine, Christine Bacon. I could do a project for AFHR UK and create a viral marketing campaign for Christine to raise awareness of asylum seeker issues in the UK. I know she would be keen on something along those lines because awareness-raising is a big part of her charter/mission.

To check out the amazing stuff Christine does, have a look at

Or I could just stick to my original thesis idea.

Any thoughts or ideas from you would be appreciated! I'd like to have my decision finalised by the week after Easter so that I can get stuck in... to whatever it is...!

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