Monday, March 10, 2008

Why Honours?

Good question actually. I've been so busy the past few weeks that thought has occurred to me on numerous occasions.

But I am excited about it, so I suppose the answer lies in that gut feeling.

Last year, while researching a doco, I started to miss doing formal research and exploring new ideas. In some ways I missed something I'd never had, because during my undergrad Arts degree I didn't take most of the subjects seriously and was more interested in the extra-curricula possibilities that Melbourne Uni offered, especially theatre. However, the subjects that I did get excited about at the time still come to my mind years later.

Doing Honours for me will be mostly about the opportunity to write a thesis. To get really stuck into a subject and stretch myself intellectually. In Arts you skim over so many different areas and ideas that you never get the chance to explore anything properly. 

Secondary to that will be the chance to meet some new people and have some great conversation!

It could also open the door for more study later on in my life. Although I'm just concentrating on getting through this year first before I think about that!

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